By Dr. Sara Michelson Licensed Psychologist Chapel Hill N.C. Exercise isn’t just good for your body—it does wonders for your mind too! Here are some key psychological benefits: Improved Mood: …
The Science of Happy Hormones: How to Enhance Your Mental Well-being
Ever notice how good you feel after exercising? The other day, I was seconds from working out when my husband walked by and made an annoying comment about the living …
The Impact of Cold Weather on Mood
By Dr. Sara Michelson Licensed Psychologist Chapel Hill N.C. The Impact of Cold Weather and Low Light on Mood The changing seasons, particularly during the transition to colder months, can …
Maintaining Your Mental Health During the Holiday Season
By Dr. Sara Michelson Licensed Psychologist Chapel Hill N.C. Why Holidays Can Feel Difficult Holidays are often marketed as times of joy, celebration, and connection, moments that families and friends …
Regulation or Bypassing: Are You Rushing Your Emotions?
Maddy Archambault, LAC In recent years, the concept of nervous system regulation has gained cultural traction—and for good reason. Learning to calm our bodies is essential for managing stress, anxiety, …
Supporting Your Mental Health During the Holiday Season
In the 2003 holiday movie classic, “Elf,” the main character, Buddy, shares a particular fondness for the holiday season, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for …
How Insomnia Affects us
By Dr. Sara Michelson Licensed Psychologist Chapel Hill N.C. Insomnia, the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, can have wide-ranging effects on both physical and mental health. When chronic …
Where does anxiety begin – How do you treat it in therapy?
How are you doing? Most of you have probably seen the recent post that went viral from Elmo asking the question “How are you doing?”… It is no surprise the …
Counseling services Orlando: Anxious Thinking
We all know the sensation of being caught in a spiral of negative thoughts, unable to break away. The name for this kind of intrusive and repetitive thinking pattern is …
Breathing into Winter
Well, here we are. Another chapter ending and a new year beginning in linear time – all the while the earth in the northern hemisphere quiets. The tension in these …
Five Reasons Emotions Are Important
Emotions can play an important role in how you think and behave. The emotions you feel each day can compel you to take action and influence the decisions you make …
Understanding and Managing Anguish
Anguish is an intense and complex emotional state caused by mental or physical suffering. When people experience anguish, they often feel extreme distress, sadness, torment, turmoil, and inner pain. While …
Introducing Austin Texas Counselor Carolyn Maurin, LPC, LCDC, MA
Austin Texas Counselor Carolyn Maurin is now offering Online counseling. Online counseling has revolutionized the accessibility of making positive changes in your life. As a Texas-based online counselor, I witness …
Getting Through Grief
Getting Through Grief and Letting Go Letting go of grief is no easy task. Grief is something you might be holding tight to—a reminder of your loved one or a …
Shifting red flags to green flags: how to avoid the “situationship”
By: Alison Printz, LSW Swipe right on a picture of a cute stranger. Match with them. They message you. Go out on a few dates. A few dates turn into …
Does Self Help Help?
Self-help books and resources can provide valuable insights and strategies for personal development and growth. They often encourage us to “Eat the Frog” or “Do Hard Things” as a means …
Exploring the Greek Forms of Love: A Therapist’s Perspective on Understanding the Dimensions of Relating
Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that influences our relationships and overall well-being. As therapists, we strive to unravel the intricacies of human connections, seeking to guide individuals on …
Why EFT tapping is a great form of therapy
The daily grind sometimes seems to just build up and build up over time. We often don’t realize how much we are carrying or how much pressure we are experiencing …
Open Letter – Learning to Connect
The following is part of an email thread between a client and myself. I thought I would post it as there is value here for everyone feeling the effects of …
Carving Your Riverbed
Creating boundaries Looking back through an old journal, I read a reflection on the function of boundaries during a time I was feeling the impact of a lack of them …
Grief Counseling Redbank, NJ
Getting Through Grief and Letting Go Letting go of grief is no easy task. Grief is something you might be holding tight to—a reminder of your loved one or a …
How to Channel Your Mind’s Inner Chatter
How to Channel Your Mind’s Inner Chatter As naturally as we breathe, we “decouple” from the here and now, our brains transporting us to past events, imagined scenarios, and other …
Anxiety Therapy Los Gatos: Researchers Reveal How Trauma Changes The Brain
Researchers are learning more about how traumatic events may physically change our brains and how anxiety therapy can help. Neurologists have revealed changes to a brain mechanism used for learning …
About Seasonal Depression
Depressed again for no apparent reason? Do you or someone you know consistently feel depressed as we head into fall and winter? Seasonal Depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, …
What causes insomnia and what is sleep therapy?
What are the Causes of Insomnia? Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects as many as 35% of adults. It is marked by problems getting to sleep, staying asleep through …
Breathing for Calm
Our breath is a something we always have with us (hopefully), and it can be accessed and utilized in diverse ways to achieve different mental and physiological states. There is …
Parenting Advice From D. H. Lawrence, Don’t Smother Your Children With Love.
Children Are More Sagacious Than You Think As parents, we are assailed by injunctions to protect our children, to engage with them creatively, athletically and intellectually, to feed them nutritious …
What are the ways to reduce the impact of childhood trauma and how do we forgive?
Children who experience trauma tend to have health problems later in life. Dr. Nadine Burke Harris explains why—and how we can help heal those wounds. Patrice Hooke, LMFT offers Couples …
The Ridiculously Awesome Practice of Surrendering
Every day in this world is a shaky, uncertain, constantly changing landscape — and that causes us to try to get control. Anxiety and Depression Counseling Chicago Jana Fuchs, LCPC …
Are You Stuck in Constant Self-Judgment?
Depression Treatment Raleigh Do you feel down? Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy? Are you critical and judgmental towards yourself? We can help you find the …
Anxiety and Depression – How To Help Your Partner And Yourself
Living with anxiety and Depression can be tough. Your thoughts might race, you might dread tasks others find simple (like driving to work) and your worries might feel inescapable. But …
Why Letting Go of Control Can Help You Enjoy Life
Feeling the need to be in control is natural. It’s something we all inherently want, and we feel best when we know exactly what is going on in all the …
What Is Breathwork and is it Beneficial?
Breathwork is about being able to control how you breathe and it has many health benefits for your mind and body. But what exactly is is breathwork? Is it the …
Why Perfectionism Stops Us from Creating New Habits
When we decide to create a new habit — exercise, healthy eating, meditation, writing — we can get excited and optimistic, and have an idea of how it will go …
How To Tell Your Friends You’re Depressed
Deciding to tell the people you love that you’re struggling with depression is a big step. Not only is it challenging to find the energy to reach out to people, …
Can Counseling Help With Depression?
Depression is a serious mood disorder. with an estimated 16 million American adults having at least one major depressive episode in the past year.1 It can affect how you think, …
Therapist near me: the reasons why your ADHD brain needs more sleep
As a therapist I’m usually a good sleeper. In fact, sleep and I have a bit of a thing going on. But last night? We weren’t friends at all. I …
Anxiety Treatment & Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety Disorder Occasional anxiety is an expected part of life. You might feel anxious when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or before making an important …
THE ADHD ADVANTAGE: The 10 greatest benefits of ADHD brains
Is ADHD a gift? Yes. No. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe. It depends. And everything in between. ADHD brains are different. And with difference comes great strength and great struggle. There are …
Choosing to Live Your Life over Anxiety
Remember that anxiety list you keep? It might not be a literal list, but it is a list somewhere in your psyche. I am referring specifically to that list that …
Effective Therapy for Distressed Couples
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a short-term (8 – 20 sessions) and structured approach to couples’ therapy developed by Drs. Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg in the 1980’s. It is …
Questioning for Clarity: Online Counseling New Jersey and Nutrition Coach Philadelphia
We have all struggled with uncertainty at one point or another in life, and you may find that the more you search for an answer, the muddier everything becomes. While …
The Guilt of Not Working More, When We’re Done for the Day
At the end of a day of work, there can be a simple practice of wrapping things up and shutting down for the day. Boca Raton Therapy Christiane Blanco-Oilar, Ph.D., …
How To Experience More Wow
Awe might seem an unobtainable luxury to many but, with the right approach, you can enjoy it daily – no mountain required. On a crisp, clear day in January about …
Active Listening – Online Counseling New Jersey
When communicating in counseling It can be easy to focus more on what we are saying than how we are listening. If we are not truly hearing what someone is …
Menstrual Cycle and Mood
The menstrual cycle is composed of four different phases, which vary in duration from woman to woman, and may fluctuate in length. The phases are menstrual, follicular, ovulation, and luteal. …
Cortisol, Stress, and Overall Nutrition Health
Cortisol is our body’s primary stress hormone. Our levels of cortisol fluctuate throughout the day, with morning typically being when we have our highest levels of cortisol with a decrease …
Staying at the Edge of Uncertainty & Anxiety
When we get into a situation that feels uncertain, most of us will immediately try to get to a place of certainty. Instead of writing a blog post, I’ll find …
12 Ideas for Establishing a Calming Routine
One of the most rewarding changes in your life can be finding peace with a morning routine. I’ve made it a habit to wake before most of the world, at …
How to Do the Thing You’re Avoiding
Most of us have something on our task list we’re avoiding or a project we’ve been putting off. Think for a moment: what’s the task or project you’ve been avoiding …
Healing from Narcissistic Abuse
If you’ve decided to read this article, it’s perhaps because you, or someone you know, is trying to heal in the aftermath of a toxic relationship. Or maybe you have …
Trauma Therapy, how does it work?
A therapeutic approach in treatment planning has focused on the initial healing of individuals who have survived Post-Traumatic injury. A consultation, and comprehensive assessment of the client can direct that …
What is a website builder?
Looking for a therapist website builder? Website builders are tools that typically allow the construction of websites without manual code editing. They fall into two categories: online proprietary tools provided …
Unstuck: Create a New Path for Yourself
Sometimes it can feel like we’re stuck in life, doing the same things we’re unhappy with, over and over again. Maybe you’ve been procrastinating on your meaningful work, or getting …
The Effect of Oxidative Stress on Mental Health
Understanding oxidative stress is important because we are exposed to many environmental and dietary stressors that can contribute to an imbalance in our body that impacts overall health. Oxidative stress …
Anxiety treatment NYC: How To Help A Child Struggling With Anxiety
Childhood anxiety treatment is one of the most important mental health challenges of our time. One in five children will experience some kind of clinical-level anxiety by the time they …
A Guide to the Basic Anxiety and Depression of Life
Underlying much of what we do is an uncertainty, an anxiety, a fear, doubts, dissatisfaction, and ultimately depression. And we react to these anxieties, dissatisfaction and uncertainty in so many …
Are You Sabotaging Your Relationships?
Warning signs that you might be sabotaging a good thing You meet someone new and happily date for a little while. The connection is great, there is chemistry, and sex …
Finding Mindfulness in an Age of Depression & Anxiety
We live in uncertain times. Actually, things have always felt uncertain to the people who live in those times, but these days it might feel even more heightened, with the …
For Men Only – Men’s Mental Health
At A New Day Family Counseling, we understand the challenges men face today to improve their mental health. Men typically engage in fewer health-promoting behaviors, have fewer social supports, possess …
Understanding Alcoholic Neuropathy – Addiction Counseling Westwood New Jersey
Alcoholic neuropathy is one of the most common and least recognizable consequences of heavy alcohol use. People with a long history of alcohol misuse might experience pain, tingling, weakness, numbness, …
What America Can Learn from Couples Therapy
The principles of good communication for Couples Therapy Palo Alto could also apply to divided Americans. At family gatherings, in bars and restaurants, relatives and friends are shouting at each …
Online Counseling for Work Stress New York City
Online Counseling for Work Stress New York City What does your reflection reveal? There are times when we see parts of our character we don’t like. The moments are often …
Online Counseling in Texas
The Pros of Online Therapy Are you considering Online Counseling in Texas? The internet has opened up new avenues for mental health treatment, but there are some pros and cons …
Online therapy in Texas
online therapy Texas Online counseling is the provision of professional mental health counseling services through the Internet. Services are typically offered via email, real-time chat, and video conferencing. Some clients …
Online Counseling
Depression Treatment Raleigh Do you feel down? Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy? Are you critical and judgmental towards yourself? We can help you find the …
Psychologist Chapel Hill N.C. – Telehealth
Recent developments in the COVID-19 pandemic have motivated me to transition to an entirely virtual practice. I believe firmly that social distancing is the safest and most ethical way to …
Social Media and Suicide Among Teens
Digital media, including social media, became a centerpiece of day to day life at a seemingly exponential rate. Before I graduated high school in 2006, I remember many evenings spent …
Couples Therapy Palo Alto: Relationships in the Tech World.
Being a Marriage and Family Therapist in the Bay Area specializing in Couples Therapy Palo Alto, means I have the privilege to meet clients from very diverse backgrounds. One of …
Family Stress Test
Family Stress Test Stress is a natural and normal “by-product” of every family’s life. In fact, family stress can bring out the best of us: as we stretch to meet …
Disorganized Attachment
Mary Ainsworth’s work on attachment identified three attachment categories (secure, insecure avoidant, and insecure ambivalent/resistant). The development of the disorganized/disoriented classification evolved as a part of Mary Main’s doctoral research …
Researchers Uncover A Circuit For Sadness In The Human Brain
Scientists may have caught a glimpse of what sadness looks like in the brain. A study of 21 people found that for most, feeling down was associated with greater communication …
Hypnosis Applications, Effects, and Myths
What exactly is hypnosis? While definitions can vary, the American Psychological Association describes hypnosis as a cooperative interaction in which the participant responds to the suggestions of the hypnotist. Hypnosis …
Hypnosis, Memory and the Brain
A new study points to specific areas of the brain affected by hypnosis. The technique could be a tool for exploring what happens in the brain when we suddenly forget. …
How The Brain Helps You Sing Or Say What You Mean
Read these sentences aloud: I never said she stole my money. I never said she stole my money. I never said she stole my money. Emphasizing any one of the …
What It Takes to Think Deeply About Complex Problems
The problems we’re facing often seem as complex as they do intractable. And as Albert Einstein is often quoted as saying, “We cannot solve our problems with the same level …
Conquering Phobias Through Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy, or therapy utilizing hypnosis, is often used as part of a treatment plan for phobias and other anxiety disorders. It is also used throughout the medical field for pain …
Everything You Need to Know About Hypnosis for Weight Loss
Hypnosis may be best known as the party trick used to make people do the chicken dance on stage, but more and more people are turning to the mind-control technique …
Hypnotherapy About Collaboration–Not Control
Psychologist-client relationships underwent an important shift during the latter part of the 20th century. The traditional expert-patient model of Freudian psychoanalysis gave way to a more egalitarian model as therapist …
Hypnotherapy Creates Change with Client Commitment
Building a relationship of trust and rapport between the hypnotherapist and client starts from the very first meeting. A complimentary consultation is often the first step in the process, giving …
Ineffective Treatment Often Prescribed For Lower Back Pain
Chances are, you — or someone you know — has suffered from lower back pain. It can be debilitating. It’s a leading cause of disability globally. And the number of …
Healing illness With The Subconscious Mind
Surviving an accident was the easy part; coping with the chronic pain would prove more difficult. Danna Pycher shares her story about trauma and the transformative insight she gained that …
Can hypnosis heal you?
Daniel Robaczewski explores the discovery that hypnosis is not magic, but a legitimate tool used in psychotherapy and personal development led Daniel Robaczewski to start performing with a group of …
Suffer From Heartburn? Try Hypnosis
Sixty million Americans deal with this uncomfortable sensation at least once a month, heartburn. It’s not only painful, but can be life-altering, or even deadly if ignored. No wonder that …